Business Consulting

Target Audience

Private Hospitals

About 44,000 hospitals are in the private sector, and about 26,000 are in the public sector. India is one of the world's largest countries by area and population.

As per the information provided by Central Bureau of Health Intelligence (CBHI), there are a total of 23581 Government Hospitals and 22 Central Government Hospitals respectively including All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) in the country.

Share of government and private hospitals in India FY 2022, by region. In financial year 2022, the share of government hospitals in the northeast Indian region was the highest at 80 percent. On the other hand, the share of private hospitals was the highest in southern and western India at 70 percent, respectively.

Micro Small & Medium Enterprise (SME)

Micro, Small and Medium Enterprise (MSME) sector has emerged as a very important sector of the Indian economy, contributing significantly to employment generation, innovation, exports, and inclusive growth of the economy. Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) are the backbone of the socio-economic development of our country.

MSME setcor also accounts for 45 % of total industrial production, 40% of total exports and contributes very significantly to the GDP. Manufacturing segment within the MSME contributes to 7.09% of GDP. MSMEs also contribute to 30.50% of services. The total contribution of MSMEs to the GDP is 37.54.

India is home to 75,000 recognized start-ups, 12% cater to Information Technology services, 9% of the healthcare and life sciences, 7% to education, 5% to commercial and professional services and 5% to agriculture.


Business Consulting can help businesses with financial advice, operations and processes, regulations and compliance, business development, and much more.

Size of private healthcare market in India ?

  • In FY 2021, the private hospital sector was valued at INR 9,995.06 billion. It is projected to reach INR 25,429.49 billion by FY 2027, with a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of approximately 20.53% during the FY 2021 FY 2027 period.
  • The private sector consists of 58% of the hospitals in the country, 29% of beds in hospitals, and 81% of doctors. According to National Family Health Survey-3, the private medical sector remains the primary source of health care for 70% of households in urban areas and 63% of households in rural areas.


Push and pull marketing strategies in pharma marketing have two distinct approaches. Push marketing involves promoting products to healthcare professionals to generate demand, while pull marketing focuses on creating consumer awareness and interest to drive demand.
The five critical success factors are :-

Strategic Focus





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